Choosing a phone number

Learn more about your number options: short code, 10DLC, or toll free

What is a Short Code?

A short code is a 5-digit phone number. An example of a short code is 00555 or 78900
Why choose a short code?

Short code numbers offer the fastest send speeds, up to 1,000,000 mph (messages per hour). They’re great for organizations with sizable opt-in lists or campaigns that are planning large-scale engagement.

Short codes are memorable and shareable. They are the best option for branding, especially vanity short codes.

Short codes return network receipts (delivered to carrier network) and handset receipts (delivered to members' device) for messages sent.

Things to consider:

Short codes applications are reviewed and approved by each carrier. Plan for a 3-5 week processing time before your number is ready.

What is a Toll Free?

A toll free is a 10-digit phone number and always starts with area code: ​​800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844, or 833. Example: (833) 555-5555
Why choose a toll free?

Toll Free numbers offer moderate send speeds, around 108,000 mph (messages per hour). We recommend them for medium or small-scale engagement.

Toll Free numbers return network receipts and handset receipts or messages sent.

Things to consider:

Toll free numbers always start with one of these area codes: 800, 888, 877, 866, 855, 844 or 833, so it's not the best option if you’re planning to engage a local audience. You can start using your toll free number in as little as 5 business days. But toll free numbers can take up to 30 business days to be approved with carriers. While awaiting carrier approval, your phone number will be subject to daily and weekly limits send.

Toll free numbers are throttled at around 100,000 messages per hour. If you have a large list, or plan to scale up your outreach, it might not be a good fit.

What is a 10DLC?

A 10DLC, short for “10-digit long code”, is a 10 digit phone number that features a local area code of your choice. A 10DLC can be something like (202) 555-0124.
Why choose a 10DLC?

10DLCs let you pick a local area code, so they are a good option for small-scale and local engagement.

It typically takes 15 business days for a 10DLC to process, so you can be up and running in less than a month.

Things to consider:

10DLCs are limited to slower send speeds, usually capped at around 36,000 messages per hour. It is not a good option for larger list sizes. Carriers will determine your campaign’s send speeds.

10DLCs only return network receipts for messages sent, so you have limited insights into your deliverability. Some regional carriers do not provide network receipts.

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