What are quiet hours?
Quiet hours are periods of time when you should not message supporters. According to TCPA, you should not message supporters between the hours of 9pm-8am in the supporters' respective time zone. CTIA dictates that you should not message supporters between the hours of 9pm-9am. Some states, such as Washington and Florida have quiet hours between 8pm-8am.
By default, quiet hours for broadcasts are set for 8pm-9am. You can adjust your broadcast’s quiet hours by clicking Broadcast Advanced Options in the Review your Message step.
How do I avoid my broadcasts running into quiet hours?
By default, Strive will pause and resume broadcasts that run into quiet hours. A warning message will display if your broadcast will run into quiet hours in certain timezones of your audience.
You can modify your quiet hours settings in Broadcast Advanced Options.
Will my broadcast resume once quiet hours have ended?
Yes, by default your broadcast will resume in time zones where your set quiet hours have ended.
You can turn off this setting by unchecking Resume sending in location(s) where quiet hours have ended. This will cancel any remaining sends when quiet hours start.

Can I turn off quiet hours?
Yes, to change default quiet hours, click Broadcast Advanced Options and toggle the Respect Quiet Hours setting.
Adjust quiet hours:
- From the Broadcast review step click Broadcasting Advanced Options
- Adjust when quiet hours start and end by selecting the time via the dropdown. By default your quiet hours are 8pm-9am, which is TCPA and CTIA compliant.
Turn off quiet hours:
- From the Broadcast review step click Broadcasting Advanced Options
- Toggle “Respect quiet hours” to off.
Cancel a broadcast once quiet hours start:
- From the Broadcast review step click Broadcasting Advanced Options
- Toggle “resume broadcast when quiet hours end” to off.
Note: If you increase your broadcast sending period to more than 10 hours, it may run into quiet hours. Learn more about adjusting your broadcast send speeds.