Sending direct messages

A how-to guide for sending DMs to members in the Inbox

With Strive, you can send direct messages to members to people-power your SMS outreach.

What are direct messages?

Unlike Broadcasts, direct messages (DMs) are sent via the Inbox to an individual member of your campaign. With direct messages, you can have one-on-one conversations with members.

How do I see a member’s conversation history?

Strive displays a member’s complete conversation history with your campaign via the Inbox.

Who can reply to Members in the Inbox?

  • Admins can reply to any member conversation, including member conversations assigned to other users.
  • Organizers can view cohorts of member conversations based on Inbox Member Access permissions set in Manage Users. Organizers must assign the conversation to themselves before they can reply to the member. 
Send a direct message:
  1. Head over to the Inbox page.
  2. Select the Member conversation you’d like to DM.
  3. Compose your message.
  4. Click Send.
Note: When a member replies to your DM their conversation will be routed to the Needs Response folder of the Inbox.

Troubleshooting the Inbox

→ Why can't I see a member conversation I am searching for?
Inbox Access permissions for users to view/reply to conversations are configured via Manage Users. If you do not see a member in your inbox, reach out to your account admin to update your permissions.

→ The send button is grey. Why can’t I direct message this member?
Organizers can only reply to member conversations that have been assigned to them

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