Member filtering

Add filters or advanced filters to zero in on cohorts of supporters

What can I filter my members list by?

You can filter your Members list by core and custom member fields, like zip code. You can also filter your list by member activity, like links clicked. You can add multiple filter conditions using AND or OR logic.

A filter condition is a rule that your members list records must follow in order to be visible in your filtered results. A filter condition is composed of an attribute, operator, and value.
-An attribute is a members list field (such as zip code) or message action, (such as broadcast).

-A filter operator determines how the field is filtered. The attribute’s data type will determine the operators you can filter the attribute by.

-A value is a piece of data you’d like to filter by, within the attribute you specify. For example, a value could be a group named “volunteers”. The attribute you select will determine the values you can filter by.

What’s the difference between AND vs OR filters?

If you include multiple filter conditions with AND logic, your results will meet all the filter conditions. If you include multiple filter conditions with OR logic, your results will meet at least one of the filter conditions.

What are advanced filters?

Advanced Filters let you zero in on specific member activity by date(s) and/or source (broadcasts or flows). Add an advanced filter to the following member attributes:

  • Links Clicked
  • Click rate
  • Call targets (calls made to a target)
  • Call rate
  • Sentiment
  • Broadcasts
  • Flows 
  • Msg Error codes (delivery error codes from carriers)

Add a filter:
  1. Go to the Members list and click Filter
  2. Select an attribute to filter by
  3. Adjust your operator if needed
  4. Add in the value you’d like to filter the attribute by
  5. Add in any additional filter conditions with AND or OR logic
  6. Click out of the filter window to view your results
  7. Add an advance filter by clicking back into the filter window and clicking Advanced Filters

Add an advanced filter:
  1. Go to the Members list and click Filter
  2. Click advanced filters
  3. Select an attribute to filter by
  4. Adjust your operator if needed
  5. Add in value you’d like to filter the attribute by
  6. Click Advanced Filters
  7. Add in any date parameters and/or select a broadcast or flow source to filter by. Leaving the date parameters blank will search member records from the time your campaign was created until present. Selecting any source will search all broadcasts and flows.

    Note: If you want to narrow your results to a single day, select that date for the start and end date.
  1. Click Refresh member count or click View results if you are ready to apply bulk actions or export your results.
  2. To exclude filter conditions from your results, uncheck the filter condition. To permanently remove a filter condition, click X

Filtering custom fields

Custom fields can be used in filters throughout the tool. The data type of the custom field will determine the available filter operators.

Data types and filter operators:

  • Text: contains, does not contain, is exactly, is similar to, starts with, does not start with, is empty, is not empty
  • Number: =. !=, >, >=, <, <=
  • Currency: =. !=, >, >=, <, <=
  • Date: on, before, after, in the last, in the next
  • Boolean: is true, is false
  • Single Select, is, is not, is empty, is not empty
  • Multi Select: has any of, has none of, has all of

Operator Definitions

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